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What do the new highlight colors represent?

The new highlight colors in the document represent matches that fall within the four new match groups, which are categorized by the usage of in-text citations and quotation marks:


Screen_Shot_2023-04-19_at_6.25.26_PM.png Not Cited or Quoted - Matches with neither in-text citation nor quotation marks


Screen_Shot_2023-04-19_at_6.27.04_PM.png Missing Quotations - Matches with in-text citation present, but no quotation marks


Screen_Shot_2023-04-19_at_6.27.22_PM.png Missing Citation - Matches with quotation marks, but no in-text citation


Screen_Shot_2023-04-19_at_6.27.36_PM.png Cited and Quoted - Matches with both in-text citation and quotation marks


To learn more about the new highlights, read our help guidance about using the new match groups.

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