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Admins: Opt-in Institutions to the Similarity Report Beta

Follow this short guide to enable or disable the beta for any institution account (including sub-accounts) for which you are the administrator, and grant instructors access to the new Similarity Report experience.

đź’ˇ Grading, rubrics, and feedback tools, such as comments and Quickmarks, are still in development and not yet available in beta. The beta view remains completely optional for instructors, and they may continue using all Feedback Studio features in the classic view. 

  1. Go to or, and log in to your administrator account.

  2. Under the Edit column for the chosen institution, select the cog icon and choose Edit account settings from the dropdown.

  1. Find the section titled New Similarity Report Viewer (Beta) at the bottom of the settings page, and tick the box next to “Allow instructors to use the new, improved report viewer.” To disable the beta for this account, simply uncheck the box.


  1. Select the Submit button. All instructors within that institution account will now receive a prompt to try the beta experience the next time they open a Similarity Report for an assignment. 
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